Claudio Czar
(Claudio Cezar)
1974, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Live in São Paulo, Brazil

Since his childhood, he has been interested in Art. He majored in Graphic Design, but it was only when he was taking a graduate course on Pattern Design that his experiments started taking form.
Interdisciplinary professional and autodidact, he focusses his works on two distinct areas of research, which sometimes end up intermixing: the geometric deconstruction and the streets of the urban centers.
His interest in geometry and the subsequent deconstruction process appeared by means of the creation of a series of geometrical patterns that eventually came off the computer screen onto the canvas.
However, it was his passion for street art with its aesthetics, diverse forms of expression, textures and techniques that made his work take off.
Nowadays he uses the language of the streets and techniques such as graffiti, stencil, poster and sticker in order to tell stories of anonymous figures and pop culture characters.

Apesar de o interesse pela arte ter surgido ainda criança e da sua formação em design gráfico, foi apenas durante sua pós-graduação em design de estamparia que seus experimentos começaram a tomar forma.
Profissional multidisciplinar e autodidata, suas obras são focadas em duas áreas de pesquisa distintas, mas que às vezes acabam se misturando: a desconstrução geométrica e as ruas dos centros urbanos.
Seu interesse pela geometria e a subsequente desconstrução surgiram por meio da criação de uma série de estampas que logo saíram da tela do computador para as telas de pintura.
Mas foi sua paixão pela arte de rua, estética, suas diversas formas de expressão, texturas e técnicas que fizeram seu trabalho deslanchar.
Hoje utiliza a linguagem das ruas e técnicas  como graffiti, stencil, pôster e sticker para contar histórias de figuras anônimas e personagens da cultura pop.

2020, Art Lab Mezanino, Casa Expo, São Paulo, Brazil (group)
2020, Mostra Tua Arte - Projection of 4 artworks on a building, Belém, Brazil
2018, Meu BB Gallery, Fábrica Bhering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (group)
2017, Live paint for Molotow, Arte Core Festival, MAM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2017, Ipanema Sunset, Casa 7 Cultural, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (solo)
2016, ArtExpo New York, Pier 94, New York, USA (group)

2021, Visual Poetics - Creation and Production,
2021, Online Artist - Marketing and Social Media for Artists,
2021, Contemporary art: Historical Perspective,
2021, This is Art?,
2020, Concept and design of Virtual Exhibitions,
2011, Surface Design, Senai Cetiqt, Brazil
1998, Graphic Design, PUC-Rio, Brazil
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